Inti Raymi ticket availability

Inti Raymi is a tourist festival that is celebrated in the city of Cusco – Peru, every June 24. The show takes place in three different settings: the Coricancha temple, the Main Square and the Sacsayhuamán fortress. In this last historical setting, the main show takes place, lasting 2 hours 30 minutes and with more than five hundred actors and actresses. Tickets must be purchased online and in advance as availability is limited. What is the availability of income? Find out about availability at this great event!

Availability Inti Raymi

The Inti Raymi in Cusco

Inti Raymi is the most important festival in Cusco. Its origins date back to the 12th century in the Inca era. Today, more than eight hundred years later, Cusco citizens continue to celebrate this great religious festival in honor of the sun god (the god Inti).

The date is the same today as in Inca times, June 24, during the winter solstice, when the sun is closest to the earth in the southern hemisphere. The Incas held a large mass ceremony for several days. The Inti Raymi today is celebrated with a gigantic staging in three different settings, but with a lot of history: the Coricancha, the Main Square and Sacsayhuamán.

Inti Raymi in Inca times was also celebrated in Coricancha and in the Main Square (Huacaypata). Today these stages also witness performances with hundreds of actors and actresses staging the festival, just as it was celebrated in the Inca era. However, the big party takes place on the Sacsayhuamán esplanade. This archaeological site is world famous for its immense walls weighing up to 120 tons and carved with great perfection.

The Inti Raymi on the Sacsayhuamán esplanade starts at approximately 2 in the afternoon. The duration is 2 hours 30 minutes. The show has more than five hundred actors and actresses representing the Inca, his wife, his entourage, the high priest, the army and representatives of the four corners of the Tahuantinsuyo empire.

The Inti Raymi has a central stage and three rows of seats surrounding the central point of the show: the seats in the orange zone, the seats in the red zone and the seats in the the green Zone. They all allow you to appreciate the show with great comfort.

Tickets to Inti Raymi

The Inti Raymi has seats in only two stages: on the Coricancha esplanade and on the Sacsayhuamán esplanade. The show in the Main Square in Cusco does not have seats and the tourist must find the best possible space around hundreds of people.

The Inti Raymi in Coricancha has 350 seats right in front of the show. These visitors will be able to take a seat in a privileged place. However, the rest of the people, including tourists and Peruvian citizens, look for a space around the place. This show is suitable for all visitors.

The Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán has 3,500 seats on three stages around the main stage: the orange tribunes (central part), the red tribune (side part) and the green tribune (side part). Tourists who cannot buy admission to one of the seats will unfortunately not be able to appreciate the show. This is because the show is only visible from one of the stages.

Only a few visitors or local citizens will be able to appreciate this show freely. For this they must be located on one of the nearby mountain slopes. However, space is so limited that they will have to meet there up to 3 or 4 hours beforehand. Otherwise they will not get a space to appreciate the show.

Tickets to Inti Raymi are sold online through the official website or the website of an authorized tourism agency. Ticket availability is limited, so it is recommended to purchase tickets months in advance.

Availability of tickets to Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán

The Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán is the main stage of this great show. During the show the Inca, played by a Cusco actor, appears together with his wife (the coya), his entourage, the high priest and representatives of the four suis or regions of the empire: the Chinchaysuyo, the Contisuyo, the Antisuyo and the Collasuyo.

The show includes the participation of a soprano singer, live music, the representation of the offering of a flame in the fire and more. In total the show lasts approximately 2 hours 30 minutes (starts at 2 in the afternoon). It is a famous show in the world. However, spaces are few: only 3,500 tickets available.

Tickets to the Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán can be purchased online through the official website ( or through the website of an agency. official tourism ( In any case, it is recommended to buy tickets in advance as availability is limited.

There are three stands for the Inti Raymi show in Sacsayhuamán: the orange stand, the red stand and the green stand. The orange stand, located right in front of the main stage, is the one that sells out the fastest. It is recommended to make the purchase 3 months in advance.

The sale of tickets for Inti Raymi in the red and green stands must be purchased online an average of 2 months in advance. That day, June 24, hundreds of visitors will arrive in Cusco. It is recommended to purchase tickets to Inti Raymi, as well as hotel reservations and tourist packages, well in advance.

Red Tribune

The red tribune offers a side view of the Inti Raymi show in Sacsayhuamán. The visitor will be able to appreciate the show up close. Has wide availability. It is recommended to reserve this stand with a approximately month in advance.

Green tribune

The green grandstand also offers a side view of the spectacle of the Inti Raymi in the Sacsayhuamán fortress. The view is privileged. Tickets are widely available. Reservations recommended this platform with an average of a month in advance.

Orange tribune

The orange grandstand offers a central view of the Inti show Raymi in Sacsayhuamán. The view is one of the most preferential. The Tickets are widely available, but reservations are recommended. the ticket 2 months in advance.


Map Inti Raymi tour

Availability of tickets to Inti Raymi in Main Square

The Inti Raymi in the Main Square is a spectacle in the central and most important public space of the city of Cusco. During the show, the Inca and the coya are carried on litters around the square, under the singing and dancing of the representatives of the four corners of the empire. Then a coca leaf reading ceremony is held in the center of the square. The show lasts approximately 45 minutes (starts at 11 in the morning).

It is estimated that around 5 thousand attendees attend the Inti Raymi show in the Main Square. However, there are no seats available for this show. Therefore, all attendees, including Peruvians and foreigners, appreciate the event standing from the best possible place within the crowded Main Square of Cusco.

A good option to appreciate the Inti Raymi show in the Main Square of Cusco in total comfort is to reserve a space in a commercial establishment with a balcony located around the square (such as cafes, bars or restaurants). However, the tourist must make the reservation months in advance. From one of the balconies in the square, tourists can enjoy the show in total comfort, safety and, incidentally, with a beer or coffee in hand.

Availability of tickets to Inti Raymi in Coricancha

The Inti Raymi on the Coricancha esplanade is the first show and one of the busiest in this important Peruvian festival. In the show, which starts at 9 in the morning and lasts 45 minutes on average, the Inca makes his appearance amidst great joy from the attendees. To the rhythm of live music and dance, the Inca asks the sun god (Inti) for his blessing for the beginning of the great ceremony in honor of the sun. The show has the participation of four hundred actors and actresses.

It is estimated that approximately 5 thousand people gather around the Coricancha esplanade. The vast majority appreciate the show standing up, from the best place they can find in the crowded streets of Cusco.

Only about 350 people will be able to watch the show in a seat located right in front of the main stage. The rest of the visitors, to obtain a privileged view of the show, should find a good place 4 or 5 hours before the start of the show. This show takes place in a public space and is free for everyone.

To purchase one of the 350 seats available for the Inti Raymi show in Coricancha, the purchase must be made on the official website ( or through the website from an official tourism agency ( The purchase must be made 2 or 3 months in advance. Otherwise it is possible not to find an available place.

More information about the availability of tickets to Inti Raymi

The Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán has approximately 3,500 seats available, divided into three stands: orange seats, red seats and green seats. The orange stand, because it is located in a more central location on the stage, is the one that sells out first. It is recommended to buy the ticket for this stand 2 or 3 months in advance. Otherwise there is a risk of not finding availability.

The Inti Raymi in the Main Square of Cusco does not have seats or armchairs available. All attendees appreciate the stand-up show in the best location they can find. A little-known option is to find a seat in one of the stands in front of the Cathedral of Cusco. However, to find a space there it is recommended to arrive up to 4 hours before the show. Many Cusco residents look for these spaces from the early hours of the day (June 24).


Questions and answers about availability at Inti Raymi

1. How many spaces are available at Inti Raymi?
The Inti Raymi show in Sacsayhuaman, the most important, has space for approximately 3,500 attendees.
2. How long before I buy my ticket Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuaman?
To find a free ticket to the Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán, it is recommended to purchase online 2 or 3 months in advance.
3. How long before I buy my Inti Raymi ticket in the Main Square?
The Inti Raymi does not have seats in the Main Square. All attendees appreciate the show standing in the best possible location they can find that day (June 24).
4. How long before I buy my ticket to Inti Raymi in Coricancha?
The Inti Raymi in Coricancha has approximately 350 seats. It is recommended to purchase this ticket 1 or 2 months in advance.
5. How to buy a ticket to Inti Raymi?
You can buy a ticket to Inti Raymi through the official website or with the website of an authorized tourism agency.
6. What is the availability for Machu Picchu on the day of Inti Raymi?
On June 24, many tourists visit Cusco and Machu Picchu. It is recommended to buy the entrance to the Inca city 3 or 4 months in advance. That day it is not possible to buy a ticket in person.
7. Is there free availability to buy a ticket to Inti Raymi in Cusco in person?
No, on June 24 tickets to Inti Raymi were already sold out with online purchase. It is not possible to find a free space if you make the purchase in person.
8. Can I buy my butaca at the Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuaman?
No, Inti Raymi's most important show is in Sacsayhuamán. However, on that day (June 24) there will no longer be tickets available as they were sold out with online sales.
9. How to find free availability to see Inti Raymi from a seat?
The best option is to make the purchase online through the website of a tourism agency on the official website of the event.
10. Can I watch the Inti Raymi for free in Sacsayhuaman?
The Inti Raymi in Sacsayhuamán can only be seen from a private gallery whose tickets are sold online. Only a few people can see the show from a distant hill. To do this, they must be there 3 or 4 hours in advance.